Make sure to review and memorize every topic and topic you study so that you don't lose grades on those subjects. Without proper review, you can create even more confusion in the exam hall and end up with a high negative score which will nullify all the good work you have done.
Evaluate facts and concepts
UPSC preliminary examinations have become quite conceptual in the main subjects in recent years. So go through the test sheets of last 4-5 years and get an idea of the type of questions asked in each subject. For example, in Polity, you do not need to remember the names of former Presidents, Election Commissioners etc. (Earlier they were asked questions, but now it is not so). Articles on economics are now very conceptual and highly valuable. So focus on understanding the basics. Take assessment in all subjects. If your preparation does not match the exam pattern, then you are wasting your time. Discrete ias is Best IAS Coaching in Delhi, It is best known for comprehensive UPSC Preparation in Delhi and is the Oldest UPSC Coaching in Delhi
Get out of your current events preparation
Many students make the mistake of grabbing current events handouts in the last few weeks in anticipation of the finale. The reality is that it will be an information overload and your memory may not be able to handle the sudden load. So spend few hours every day on news and don't forget to watch regularly. Don't be discouraged even if you can't complete all current issues. Learn and repeat what you can. The same goes for working with maps - spend a little time each day reviewing them.
Practice lots of exams - Make sure to pick up some exam series booklets and attempt them regardless of your experience level. This will help you assess your preparation level, your ability to finish on time and the major mistakes you commit, such as misreading questions or options, etc.
Develop a routine to be as active as possible during exam hours
In the weeks leading up to the exam, make sure to study or practice hard at two intervals: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Your brain will get used to being more active during these hours.
Check out the test site before test day
You (or someone accompanying you) should physically come to and from the test site before test day so that there are no surprises on the day. You will also be able to understand the best mode of transportation. Also, if you are planning to take a taxi, remember that the demand for taxis will be high, so you should keep a margin of 10-15 minutes.
Reach the venue on time
Please make sure to reach the venue 45 minutes to 1 hour before your scheduled time. Last-minute rushing and worrying about how to reach an event can take a toll on your concentration.